58 members of the ex-armed groups (FDLR, RUD, FARDC, MAI MAI and Nyatura) were discharged from Mutobo Demobilization Centre in Musanze District on 21st, July, 2016.
The 57th phase is composed by 54 male and 4 female, and were headed by one officer Capt Nyirimpeta Aphrodis.
The Chairman of Rwanda Demobilization and Reintegration Commission Jean Sayinzoga hailed members of the ex-armed groups for making a good decision to return home. He said this to a congregation which had gathered for a discharge during the ceremony at Mutobo Demobilization Centre.
“I thank you very much for returning back home. This is a good idea Sayinzoga said, and added: “The country is happy to receive you back home. Rwanda is your mother land; you should therefore come back home”.
He also told the audience that the Commission has supplemented the existing communication strategy by introducing Skype tele-conferencing which he said has encouraged many to repatriate. He urged the ex-armed groups to love their country and join the rest in the re-construction of the country.
The ceremony witnessed by 58 members of ex-armed groups being discharged and awarded certificates after completing a three-month Pre-Discharge Orientation Programme.
For his part, the Governor of the Northern Province Bosenibamwe Aimé, gave a cordial welcome to members of the ex-armed groups and pledged full support in the ex-combatants reintegration activities.
He noted the RDRC has done a tremendous job for the country in line with demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants, attributing it to the visionary leadership of the country.
Capt. Nyirimpeta, on behalf of ex-armed groups discharged, thankful to the Republic of Rwanda for a warm welcoming, and how they were treated in Mutobo Demobilization Centre. He said that they are going to work in harmony with other citizens and give their contribution to the development and security of the country.
He took that time to request their colleagues still in bushes, to stop fighting and leave their leaders who are fear to come back for their past criminal records committed during the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi; and come back to live in peace and security in their country.

Capt Nyirimpeta Aphrodis is awarded a Certificate by Bosenibamwe Aime, The Governor of Northern Province. (Photo/Rene Anthere)